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Jumat, 13 September 2013
Minggu, 03 Maret 2013
Kamis, 28 Februari 2013
Indonesia dan Imam Bukhari
Presiden pertama Indonesia Ir. Soekarno ternyata memiliki hubungan yang unik dengan Ahli Hadits Imam Bukhari, bagaimana ceritanya ? Silahkan menikmati artikel dibawah ini ......
The memorial complex of Imam al-Bukhari
In the village Hartang (Payaryk district, 25 km from Samarkand) is one of the most revered pilgrimage sites in Islam - the mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari.
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari - the famous theologian, the hadith collector (Hadith - the science of Hadith, reports about the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad) and the author of the second most important book of the Muslims after the Koran "Al-Jomiy al-Saheeh" ("Secure book ").
Imam Al-Bukhari was born in 810 in Bukhara. It is known that his great-grandfather was one of the first who converted to Islam. His father was one of the narrators of sacred traditions. When al-Bukhari was a child, his father died. Al-Bukhari remained in the care of his mother, who raised him. She was an educated woman who organized the training of boys different sciences. Muhammad was a shrewd, smart, possessed an extraordinary memory for his age. At the age of 7 he learned the whole Qur'an at the age of 10 years, he knew by heart a few thousand hadith. In the year 825 when he was 16 years old, al-Bukhari with his mother and older brother Ahmed went on pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina.
After a pilgrimage to his mother's brother returned to Bukhara, and he traveled for many years in various Muslim countries, where he studied under famous theologians of the time.
According to legend, he has collected hundreds of thousands of hadiths, of which 300 000 knew by heart. In these studies, he spent his life in '42. By writing his book, he started back in Basra and continued to write it for many years, which included, according to him, Hadith 1080 experts. In his 7275 book includes authentic hadith. An indicator of the reliability of the hadith is the reliability of the transmission channel and for each level, meaning moral character of the transmitter, allowing him to rely. Al-Bukhari gave a special importance of the establishment parties, which served as the primary source of transmission. In the "authentic" he included only those hadiths that are told by people who are direct witnesses to the act of the prophet. Imam al-Bukhari was working on his book for sixteen years.
By source of knowledge that he has written many books, including "Tarihi Kabir" ("The Great Story"). After writing "As-Sahih" he returned to Bukhara, and begins to teach anyone who wanted to learn, because we believe that the collective teaching people to read and write will be of great benefit to society. His prestige was so high that a hadith unknown to him, was popularly regarded as unreliable.
In addition to his will, he came into conflict with the Takhirid’s ruler of Bukhara, Ahmad ibn Halid and was forced to move into the village Hartang near Samarkand, where he died in 870. Cemetery in the village Hartang (Payaryk district Samarkand region) has become the most revered and sacred place for pilgrimage.
In the sixteenth century, next to the mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari was built a small mosque and a planted plane trees.
In the Soviet period this holy place for Muslims was forgotten, and the service is not implemented. Gradually, dilapidated mosque, but in 1954 she was destined to come back to life thanks to the visit of Indonesian President Sukarno.
After a visit to Moscow, President Sukarno arrives in Tashkent and asked that he be allowed to worship the remains of the saint Imam al-Bukhari. The republican authorities, on hearing this, at first taken aback, because I had already forgotten who the Imam al-Bukhari and where his grave. In a hurry command was given: to immediately send a commission to Samarkand. The authorities could not deny the president Sukarno, because at the time of Khrushchev's initiative to establish the Soviet Union became the international relations with many countries, including the countries of the Islamic East, and therefore failure threatened international scandal. But when officers arrived at the place, they saw a very ugly picture of the mosque deserted, and at the grave of al-Bukhari is not even a headstone. And for a team of high officials, during the day, the mosque and the surrounding area, as they could, put in order, to the mosque in a hurry, even laid an asphalt track. In short, the mosque al-Bukhari took President Sukarno. And he bowed to the grave of the great scientist and honoring his memory was gone. Following President Sukarno in the Soviet Union came to the president of Somalia Madiba Keith, who also visited Tashkent, requested to give him the opportunity to visit the tomb of the saint Ismail al-Bukhari.
After that, apparently on orders from the center, a mosque, Ismail al-Bukhari handed over to the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. And since then, once again began to visit the mosque praying.
Selasa, 19 Februari 2013
Buku Su’al Jawab Memahami Gaya Bahasa Al-Qur’an
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013
bolak-balik berkunjung tetapi blog tidak pernah terupdate
akan segera diupdate secepatnya 2-3 hari lagi ...........
Rabu, 02 Januari 2013
Sehubungan dengan adanya usaha dari para santri Alm. Ust. Sumardi Erlambang untuk melestarikan karya-karya beliau, maka lewat web ini kami secara pribadi berusaha untuk membantu menampung karya-karya beliau dalam bentuk apapun baik berupa rekaman audio, video, tulisan, makalah dll.
Kami mengharap bagi semua pihak yang mempunyai karya-karya beliau dapat menghubungi atau mengirimkannya langsung ke :
1. Panitia khusus (masih dalam proses pembentukan)
2. Admin blog "Pengajian Islami" melalui :
Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran Wa Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza
Selasa, 01 Januari 2013
Kajian Panguripan
Silahkan menikmati kajian beliau dibawah ini ......
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Selasa, 31 Juli 2012
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Kajian Kamis Kontemporer
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Gudang Buku Islami
Silahkan unduh buku-buku dibawah ini ......
Judul : The Bible, The Quran and Science
Pengarang : Maurice Bucaille
Unduh Bahasa Inggris ------ Unduh Bahasa Indonesia
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